We know this pandemic has been a global issue, affecting everyone differently in many ways. We were surely caught off guard with the loss of 2 family members, a mother and a son.

During this pandemic, Cora's Helping Hands has had to face this COVID-19 also. My family lost two dearly beloved members of the virus within a month from the same household. We were very devastated by the loss of our family's matriarchs, my aunt Verna Jackson and her son Courtney Benton. As we continue to move forward, we will continue to remember them and bring awareness to this disease.
Loss affects everyone differently however, we remain vigilant now more than ever to answer the call of those in need.
As the pandemic continues, it is essential to grieve all the different facets of loss we've experienced during COVID-19. It's also necessary to find meaning and hope in how we show up in the world and to our communities. Throughout everything, one major theme that has rung true for Cora's Helping Hands is that the need for compassion and empathy is at an all-time high. We have to remember to show a caring heart and spirit for everyone during this challenging time. As we navigate this pandemic, remember that the only remedy all communities can use; is to spread hope and love to all.
Underneath all those mask, coverings, and protective gear, it's just people.
It's okay to not be okay. - Hope is here.